What Is Counter Strike Boosting?
In the game Counter Strike: Global Offensive, players can compete in Valve Matchmaking servers to gain a skill group / rank. CS:GO Boosting is the process of queuing with a player of a higher skill level in a smurf/unranked account. This player will help you rank up to various ranks. And here at CSGOboost.tk we offer to help everyone get to their desired rank with the cheapest prices.
How To Purchase Boosting Services?
To purchase our services. Travel to the "Buy" page at this website. You may get here by clicking on the "Buy" button on the page header.
Here you will send us an email with you're steam id/link and what rank you are and what rank you would like to be. Shortly after we will reply with a payment link.
(Rank Up All In A Day)
If you would like to rank up multiple times in a day it will cost a lot of payment. This is because the tight staff we have and the little time we have to rank up every client in a day.
(Rank Up One Time A Week)
A cheap and easy way to rank up once a week, every rank will cost 50 cents more than the original. (e.g: you were Silver 3 and ranked up to Silver Elite in the process of two weeks. The starting prices will be on the BUY page for each rank. Currently we only boost in Silver, Gold Nova and Master Guardian.
(One Rank)
To buy one rank by its self it would cost the least. It would be a one time payment. For more info about service times, visit the BUY page.